About Shelakes

Who We Are

Shelakes is a leading online platform dedicated to selling ladies garments and fashion accessories. It serves as a one-stop shop for customers seeking trendy and high-quality products in the realm of women’s fashion. With a wide range of options available, Shelakes offers an extensive collection of clothing items, including dresses, tops, bottoms, and outerwear. Additionally, it provides a curated selection of fashion accessories such as jewelry, handbags, shoes, and scarves. The platform prides itself on offering stylish pieces from top brands while ensuring customer satisfaction through secure transactions, prompt delivery, and excellent customer service.

A Few Words About

Our Team

Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.

Harvey Spector

Founder - CEO

Jessica Pearson


Rachel Zain

Marketing Head

Luise Litt

Lead Developer

Katrina Bennett

Intern Designer

Mike Ross

Intern Designer

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Worldwide Shipping

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Best Quality

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Best Offers

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Secure Payments

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